KangmoonSeo 醫師/博士

Dr. KangmoonSeo目前為韓國首爾大學獸醫學院臨床學系教授,也是亞洲獸醫眼科專科醫師學會(AiSVO)現任會長。KangmoonSeo博士於韓 國首爾大學獸醫學研究所外科部取得博士學位,並於英國倫敦皇家獸醫學院眼科部門完成博士後研究,也曾於首爾三星醫學中心眼科部研究,及美國愛荷華大學獸醫 眼科中心和美國威斯康辛大學獸醫眼科部訪問,Dr. KangmoonSeo臨床經驗豐富,發表學術論文眾多,並取得亞洲獸醫眼科醫學會專科醫師(Diplomate, AiCVO)認證,其主要研究領域為犬隻tear staining syndrome外,也發表許多其他眼科疾病研究論文。

Dr. KangmoonSeo is currently a professor of Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea and president of Asian Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Dr.Seoreceived his PhD degree from the same university, and finished post-doc at the Section of Veterinary Ophthalmology, The Royal Veterinary College London University, United Kingdom. He wasaresearch scholar of Department of ophthalmology Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea and a visiting scholar ofboth Veterinary Ophthalmology, VMTH, Iowa State University and Veterinary Ophthalmology, University of Wisconsin, USA. Dr. Seo has published over hundreds of original papers and has rich clinical experience. He is diplomate of Asian College of Veterinary Ophthalmology. His research interests are canine tear staining syndrome and other ocular diseases.